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  • Life & Style

    The Growing Beauty Industry in Italy: Insights and Trends

    Understanding the Italian Beauty Market

    Italy is renowned for its rich culture, art, and fashion, but one sector that is booming is the beauty industry. Italians allocate a staggering €24 billion annually for body care, which includes beauty treatments, hairdressing services, and an array of cosmetic products. Recent reports by SkinEco, an association for eco-dermatology, indicate that spending in the cosmetics sector has surged by 31.5% over the past decade, highlighting a significant trend towards self-care among Italians.

    Cosmetics and Family Spending

    Within the beauty budget of Italian families, the average expenditure reached approximately €929 last year, with €12.5 billion devoted specifically to cosmetics. This figure encompasses hygiene products as well as face and hair care items, alongside perfumes. As consumer demand continues to rise, this year the cosmetics sector is projected to achieve €13.5 billion, representing an 8% increase from the previous year.

    Focus on Hair Care

    Hair care stands out as a vital focus for Italians. Last year, over €1 billion was spent on hair care products alone, while hairdressing services accounted for a notable €9.8 billion in expenditure, averaging nearly €380 per Italian family. The prominence of hair care is underscored by insights from Pucci Romano, president of SkinEco, who stated that between 80 and 85 percent of men and 35 to 40 percent of women deal with hair-related concerns, with a significant proportion of men experiencing hair loss.

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